Davis Oral Surgery & Implant Center performs surgically assisted orthodontic procedures in Davis, CA. To learn more or schedule a consultation with Dr. Nojoumi or Dr. Namiranian, please call our office at 530-297-7000.
What Is Surgically Assisted Orthodontics?
While many orthodontic cases are straightforward, some require oral surgery for optimal success. Dr. Nojoumi and Dr. Namiranian work with trusted local orthodontists by extracting teeth, exposing impacted teeth, and clipping the frenulum (correcting tongue or lip tie).
Benefits of Surgically Assisted Orthodontics
- May save impacted teeth from extraction by exposing them and allowing the orthodontist to adjust their position
- May prevent impacted teeth from resorbing and damaging healthy permanent teeth
- Helps with situations in which the teeth have severe crowding
- Prepares children for later orthodontic work
- Corrects tongue tie and lip tie, helping young children feed and speak properly, and close spaces between teeth
Procedures Offered
Why Choose Davis Oral Surgery and Implant Center?
We believe in treating every patient as a valued individual. We work with local orthodontists to create treatment plans and improve patients’ oral health. Working together, we can produce brilliant results.
Frequently Asked Questions About Surgically Assisted Orthodontics
Call Davis Oral Surgery & Implant Center
The orthodontist will inform parents whether their children need this type of surgery. Parents can trust our practice to work closely with orthodontists and produce the best possible results. Please call our Davis, CA, office at 530-297-7000 to schedule a consultation.